The Amår game is a gamification function in the digital fair with the goal of (1) attracting more students to the fair and (2) pushing the students to interact with the companies at the fair. Prizes will be awarded to attract students to the concept of awarding points that measure students' activity. The students will collect points for having participated in the fair and then the prizes will be awarded in a lottery where the students have a lottery for each point. There will be 30 prices that vary in value. Among these prizes is a Spa and Entertainment Package for 2 at Hotel Tylösand, Moccamaster, Apple TV, Airpods and Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Our digital trade fair partner Graduateland collects the information used in the competition and is personally responsible for all information.
points system
The following different activities will give you points in the Amår game.
Register at the fair
Profile completeness
Chatting with companies
Showcases shown
Company presentations showed
Participation in the Amår Quiz
register for the fair
You as a student who registers at the fair get 5 points.
Students who have a 75% complete profile at the end of the fair are awarded 10 points.
Students who have a 100% complete profile at the end of the fair are awarded 20 points.
chatting with companies
Total number of messages (including incoming and outgoing chats).
Students who receive / send 10 messages from / to a company representative receive 5 points.
Students who receive / send 20 chats from / to a company representative are awarded 10 points.
Students who receive / send 35 chats from / to a company representative are awarded 20 points .
Students who receive / send 50 chats from a company representative are awarded 35 points.
Students who visit 5 stands at the fair receive 5 points.
Students who visit 10 stands at the fair receive 10 points.
Students who visit 20 stands at the fair receive 15 points.
Students who visit all the stands at the fair receive 20 points.
Students who participate in 1 Company Presentation receive 5 points.
Students participating in 2 Company Presentations are awarded an additional 10 credits.
Students participating in 3 Company Presentations are awarded an additional 15 credits.
Students who participate in all Company Presentations are awarded an additional 20 credits.
You as a student who participates in the Amår Quiz get 5 points.
lottery principles
After the fair, Amår calculates for each participant how many points he or she has earned. Each point corresponds to 1 ticket in the competition. The highest possible score is 105 points.
A participant can only win once. After winning a prize, the rest of the student's tickets are therefore consumed. The prizes will be awarded in order according to market value determined by Amår. The prize with the highest market value is awarded to the first winner, the second highest value to other winners and so on.
The winners will be contacted via their email registered at Graduateland. The email will be sent out one week after the end of the fair. After being contacted, the winner has seven days to collect the prize. If the winner does not respond within seven days after receiving an email from Amår, Amår has the right to withdraw a another winner.
How the prizes are given to the winners is either in an agreed place between the winner and Amår or via an acquaintance.
We do not have the opportunity to send the prices by post.
The prices are divided into a higher level and a lower level. The higher level has fewer prices but with a higher market value and the lower level has more prices but with a lower market value. To get the opportunity to take part in the higher level and win one of the prizes with a higher market value, you need to collect at least 40 points.
higher level
Hotel Tylösand - 1 hotel night with spa and entertainment package for two (does not apply to weekends)
Moccamaster - 1 moccamaster
Samsung galaxy tab - 1 Samsung galaxy tab A7
Apple TV - 2 pcs Apple TV 4th generation
Airpods - 1 pair of airpods
BOOM Watches - 3 gift cards with a value of SEK 1,500 each
Ciszere - 3 gift cards with a value of SEK 500, SEK 1000 and SEK 1500.
lower level
Lohilo - A flatbed with lohilo
Bishops Arms - 1 gift card with a value of SEK 300.
Växjö Lakers - 2 season tickets
Earrings from CHROS - 3 earrings from CHROS with a value of SEK 600-750
2 prizes - 3 gift cards containing gift cards from Cenino, Knock em down and Växjö City with a value of SEK 550.
2 prizes - 2 gift cards containing Knock em down and Växjö City with a value of SEK 500.
3 prices - containing sweets from Hemmakväll + gift card from Cenino with a value of SEK 250.
Växjö City - 3 gift cards from Växjö City with a value of SEK 100 each
Home evening - The winner can enter the store on Storgatan in Växjö and choose approx. 2-2.5kg optional loose candy